Sunday, January 29


Assalamualaikum. <--- isn't this like rare? I think there's only two posts that I included a Salam. Anyway, how's your weekend? Yes, I am just asking to be polite. Why you ask? Well, we don't really have a way to communicate now do we? So I can't really know what your amazing answers are. *bishface.jpeg* I'm being rude, as usual. Mwehehe.

The debate thing. Ergh, I honestly can't make my mind. When I decided to just go for it, there's this voice at the back of my mind saying "What about your studies? You'll fail your exams. Again and not to mention your homework. You're always lazy. Blablabla." Annoying isn't she? Yes yes, it's a she and I decided that I'll name her Aurora just because it's a cool name a few seconds ago.

Back to the topic, I am in a dilemma here. If I take his offer, I'll get the merits and there's a good chance of getting into universities in the mere future. I know what you're thinking, "This chick is so into herself. She didn't even sit for SPM yet and she's thinking to get into college?! She doesn't even know if she's going to win the thing." Bish plizz, planning ahead is good for ourselves. Didn't you know? Or are you so busy prying into others lives to know? Loool, me just kidding. *innocent eyes*

Yesh, me know me cute. Go on, aww for me.

So, do I say yes or no? Ergh, I don't know!! *pulls hair out and screams out of frustration*

(What a dramatic end, eh? *giggles*)