Friday, May 25

Past, Present, Future

"Never look back," is what people always say. I think this statement is true in a sense but not entirely. Yes, we shouldn't regret what we did in the past because it was what we really wanted at the moment but to not look back is like you're forgetting everything, every joyful moment, every magnificent moment, every moment that is worth to remember, to stay in your memories for eternity.

My past was a blur. A tangled memories of people I met, places I visited, and food I ate. And it would be a lie if I'm not regretting any of it. Because I do, but behind that regret, I realised that without them, I would never be me. My present self. And hey, if going through all that heartaches, all that tears, all that suicidal thoughts is the one that's making me stronger, I'm fine with it. I really am. Though it's absolutely not what I would recommend to someone, but really, 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.'

Tomorrow is always a surprise. Always have and always will be. We'll never know who or what will come our way. And the worst thing is we just have to wait. And wait. And wait for today to be over.

The future scares me. What will I become? Who will I become? How will I become that person? Why did I become that person? Questions, all these questions with their answers missing. No, not missing, they're just unreachable at the moment. And I want those answers. I need those answers. Curiosity consumes me. But I just have to wait, and wait, and wait.