Tuesday, February 28


I'm sure that most of you have a celebrity crush. I mean, who doesn't? Even I have one. Anyway, most of the obsessed ones are the girls. No, I'm not blaming the girls for being obsessed over such yummy, hot boys. Even I was obsessed once in that period where I stalked almost every single thing that was Minho-related. So, I truly understand what is in that mind of yours.

But sometimes, girls tend to get possessive over their 'idol'. For me, that's inappropriate. He's not even yours to start with and being a psychotic possessive stalker is not really what most guys are searching for in a girl. The celebrities are somehow 'public properties' and you can't really help it if the girl you despise loves him as much as you do.

If some of the girls are a new fan of your 'idol', please don't mock them by saying "I knew him way longer than you," or "He's mine first." Again, he was never yours at the first place. You should instead be grateful that he has a new fan. His career will blossom and he'll always provide you with new things, be it new songs, new movies or other stuff.

So, share your celebrity crush, they love their fans equally. I know Oppa does :3